<p>Park Village backs industry wide plan to get to carbon zero by 2030 &amp; joins the steering committee</p>

Park Village back industry-wide plan to get to zero carbon by 2030
Aerial view of a winding river surrounded by dense green forest. A dirt road is visible on the left. Text overlay reads "AD NET ZERO, ALL FOR NONE, PROUD SUPPORTER" on the left side of the image.

We are proud to be a member and share the ambitions of the Advertising Association&#39;s recently launched Ad Net Zero group. Park Village is 100% committed to helping the UK advertising industry achieve net-zero by the end of 2030 and are taking part in immediate measurable actions on productions and in our studios that will feed research into the practical changes needed to reduce the carbon impact of developing, producing and running UK advertising.   

Sustainability has been a big focus at Park Village over the last couple of years and we are delighted to be part of this positive action initiated by the Advertising Association, ISBA and the IPA. You can read the 5 point plan and see how you can be part of the drive here: AdNetZero

A scenic landscape with hills and a sunrise. Text reads "AD NET ZERO - ALL FOR NONE, PROUD SUPPORTER," accompanied by "UK advertising's response to the climate emergency.

As our team continues to look at how we can play our part in responding to the climate crisis we have partnered with and committed support to tackling our environmental impact with We Are Albert, eliminating the negative environmental impacts of production with AdGreen, measuring &amp; offsetting our production through Carbon Aware Productions, following the Creative Industries Pact for Sustainable Action and pursuing b-corp status 

Furthermore, by July 2021 all energy used by our studios will be generated from 100% renewable sources; we partner with First Mile, a zero-to-landfill waste collection company that helps us leave a greener footprint with our business waste used to generate green energy; our chef and kitchen source local and seasonal produce from carefully selected suppliers &amp; more than 50% of our in-house catering menus are vegan or vegetarian; we use electric vehicles and cargo bikes where possible by partnering with sustainable suppliers such as Green Tomato Cars.

Cover image from &#39;Splash &amp; Burn&#39; by Studio Birthplace a creative studio dedicated to environmental and humanitarian work, signed to Park Village.